Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Simple Present e Present Continuous

NAME:_____________________________ _____ DATE:_________________


Volte na sua apostila e leia a matéria sobre Simple Present e Present Continuous para fazermos a revisão.
Sem preguiça agora! Vamos lá?

Simple Present
1. Forme frases afirmativas usando a alternativa entre parênteses que melhor se encaixa. / Form affirmative sentences using the correct form in the parenthesis.

PENSE: “s” no final de verbo não é plural. Quando se usa o S no final?

  1. We sometimes _____________books. (read / reads)

  1. Emily  _________________to the disco. (go / goes)

  1. It often ________________on Sundays. (rain / rains)

  1. Pete and his sister ______________the family car. (wash /washes)

  1. I always ________________to the bus stop. (hurry / hurries)

2. Agora passe as frases acima para a negativa /Now transform the sentences above to negative form:
PENSE: O que você precisa fazer para ficar na negativa?
  1. _________________________________________________________.

  1. _______________________________________________________.

  1. ______________________________________________________.

  1. ______________________________________________________.

  1. ________________________________________________________.

3. Coloque os verbos entre parênteses na forma correta / Put the verbs into the correct form.
  1. I (to like) _________________lemonade very much.

  1. The girls always (to listen)  _________________to pop music.
  2. Janet never (to wear) _________________jeans.

  1. Mr Smith (to teach) _________________Spanish and French.

  1. You (to do) _________________your homework after school.

4. Passe as frases para a negativa /Make negative sentences.

  1. My father makes breakfast.


  1. They are eleven.


  1. She writes a letter.


  1. I speak Italian.


  1. Danny phones his father on Sundays.


5. Simple Present com “have” e “be” /Simple present with 'have' and 'be'
Preencha as lacunas com a forma correta dos verbos / Fill in the correct form of the verbs.

Dica: Revise as tabelinhas das primeiras aulas da apostila.
Atenção à forma especial para a terceira pessoa do singular. “He”, “she e “it”.

  1. We (to have) _________________a nice garden.

  1. She (to be) _________________six years old.

  1. Simon (to have) _________________two rabbits and five goldfish.

  1. I (to be) _________________from Vienna, Austria.

  1. They (to be) _________________Sandy's parents.

6. Transforme as frases do exercício 1 para a forma interrogativa / Transform the sentences from exercise 1 into interrogative form

PENSE: Como se começa uma pergunta no simple present?

  1. _________________________________________________________.

  1. _________________________________________________________.

  1. __________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________.

  1. _________________________________________________________.

7. Faça perguntas. /Make questions.
DICA: Preste atenção na hora de desembaralhar!

  1. you / to speak / English


  1. when / he / to go / home


  1. they / to clean / the bathroom


  1. where / she / to ride / her bike


  1. Billy / to work / in the supermarket



8. Coloque do ou does nos espaços / Put in do or does into the gaps.

1)  _____ Peter live with his father?

2)   _____ you learn Spanish?

3)   _____ Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school?

4)  _____  they play in the garden?

5)   _____ Sandy's hamster live in a cage?

6)   _____ the cats sit on the wall?

7)   _____ we work in front of the computer?

8)   _____ you play the drums?

9)   _____ Steve wear pullovers?

10)   _____ I clean the bathroom?


9. Agora responda às perguntas do exercício 8 / Now answer the questions from exercise 8

1)  __________________________________________ (Afirmativa)

2)   __________________________________________ (Negativa)

3)   _________________________________________ (Afirmativa)

4)  __________________________________________ (Afirmativa)

5)   __________________________________________ (Negativa)

6)   _________________________________________ (Afirmativa)

7)   __________________________________________ (Negativa)

8)   _________________________________________ (Afirmativa)

9)   __________________________________________ (Negativa)

10)   _________________________________________ (Negativa)


10. Escreva Do ou Don’t / Put Don’t or Doesn’t:

1.     He ________   live in Mexico.

2.   She ________    work in a bank.

3.    I ________    play golf.

4.   Max ________    listen to the radio.

5.    We  ________   speak English.

6.   You ________    drink coffee in the morning.

7.   My cat ________    eat meat.

8.   Shelly ________   drink milk.

9.    I ________    understand.

10.  His car ________   work.

Present continuous

Agora é a vez do Present Continuous! Releia sua matéria.

DICA:Use um dicionário se precisar. /Use a dictionary if you need.


1. Escreva o ing de forma correta / Write the ing form of the verbs.

PENSE: Como eu adiciono o ing? É no final ou no início? É só escrever no final de qualquer jeito? Revise sua apostila se precisar.

1.      live → ______________________

2.      stay → _____________________

3.      run → ______________________

4.      win → ______________________

5.      cycle → _____________________

6.      cry → _____________________

7.      win → _____________________

8.      prepare →  _____________________

2. Complete a tabela com o present continuous / Complete the table in present continuous


It was raining.

They were not playing.

Was I listening?

Caron was not eating.

You were singing.

3. Complete com Was ou Were / Complete with Was or Were?
PENSE: Quando você usa was e quando você usa were.

  1. We ___________________dancing.

  1. The dog __________________ barking.

  1. The printer ________________ printing out a photograph.

  1. The pupils _________________ writing a test.

  1. Sue and Gareth ________________ walking up the hill.

4. Escreva frases /Write sentences .

  1. he / the car / wash


  1. she / home / go


  1. they / not / the match / watch


  1. you / in the shop / work


  1. I / not / a magazine / read


 5. Escreva perguntas / Write questions.

DICA: A pergunta começará com o verbo to be. Revise sua apostila.

Ex. He / Love/ chocolate.

Is he loving chocolate?


1.      she / on a chair / sit


2.      you / your bag / pack



3.      his head / ache 



4.      we / tea / drink



5.      you / the bike / repair



6. Coloque os verbos present continuous. / Put the verbs into present continuous.

1.      The dog (to attack) _______________ the cat.

2.      I (to draw) __________________ a picture.

3.      My mother (to wave)  _________________ at me.

4.      They (to choose) _________________ a cheap airline.

5.      Listen! Tom (to make) _________________ a phone call.

6.      My sister (to clean) _________________  the bathroom.

7.      Look! They (to go) _________________  inside.

8.      I (to wait) _________________  in the car now.

9.      Mrs Miller (to listen) _________________  to CDs.

10. We (to speak) _________________  English at the moment.

7. Reescreva as frases usando as formas abreviadas (quando as formas longas forem dadas) e escreva as longas anode as formas curtas forem dadas. / Rewrite the sentences using the short forms (where long forms are given) or the long forms (where short forms are given).

1.      He is eating. - 



2.      I am driving. - 


3.      We are not riding. - 


4.      You're telling great jokes. - 


5.      She's not hurrying. –


6.      He is brushing his teeth. – ______________________________________________________


PENSE: Como são feitas as abreviações mesmo?


7.      I'm doing a test. –


8.      We are not joking. –


9.      I am not reading. –


10. They aren't working. –


11. We are reading a letter. 


12. He is not opening the window. 


13. I am playing computer games. 


14. She's dancing at the party.


15. They're drinking a cup of tea. 




8. Reescreva as frases usando a forma negative / Rewrite the sentences using the negative forms.

1.      She's selling fruit. –

 _____________________________________________________ _


2.      We are travelling in an old van. –

 _________________________________________________ _____


3.      I'm getting ready for school. –

 ______________________________________________ ________


4.      The thieves are robbing the bank. –

 _____________________________________________ _________


5.      My father is smoking a cigarette. –

 ___________________________________________ ___________

6.      We are playing a game. 

 ___________________________________________ ___________


7.      I'm drawing a picture. 

 ___________________________________________ ___________


8.      He is making pizza right now. 

 ___________________________________________ ___________


9.      Susan and her brother are taking photos.

 ___________________________________________ ___________


10. Dad is working in the kitchen.

 ___________________________________________ ___________



Antes de entregar cheque os seguintes itens /Before submitting the test, check the following:
  • Escreveu tudo corretamente? / Got the spelling right?
  • Colocou o ponto final e a interrogação anode é necessário? / Put in the full stop or question mark where required?
  • Usou corretamente a letra maiúscula? / Used the capital letter correctly?

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