Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Outside of the Classroom.

YEAR 2                                           DATE: 05/15
Lesson 13 – Y2 book page 58

Outside of the Classroom.

Step- by- step
1. Introduce the material by showing the flashcards.
Students will repeat the names and put flashcards on the floor.

2. When you have put all the flashcards on the floor and introduced all the vocabulary, say a word and ask students to point to the picture. Do it several times.

3. Show the picture and ask your student to say the word.

4. Invite students to walk around the school with the teacher. Show the students where the bathroom is. Ask them if it’s a classroom etc. Then show them the reception, go to the computer lab, ask them to count how many chairs there are in the computer lab. Count how many windows there are in the school. (I thought of them or me will be taking notes)
Show them a refrigerator, ask them what it is (students may not remember). Show them lockers etc (The more is shown the easier the activity)

5. Go back t the classroom.

6. Now let’s do the worksheet 1. Let’s do it together.

7. When students finish the activity, check their answers by checking the questions together and correcting on board and with each student.

8. Worksheet 2. And correct their answer on board.

Worksheets, Flashcards,

ATTENTION: There’s one more worksheet but I don’t think we’ll be able to do all 3 in the same class with all the walking and new vocabulary to absorb. The next class is the computer lab SYSMADO so I thought on using the Extra worksheet from lesson 12 and this third one from lesson 13. Let me know if you are ok or not and what to do instead.

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