Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Math – Money.

YEAR 3                                           DATE: 05/12
Lesson 12 – Y3 book page 56

Math – Money.

Step- by- step
1. Review numbers 1-100. Write the numbers on the board.

2. Review math concepts – addiction and subtraction.
E.g. I have ten fingers, so does everyone here. How many fingers do you have?
Ask students, how many fingers do student A and student B have altogether?
And how many fingers we all have together? (show on board 10 + 10 + 10)
Then ask the following:
            - How many hands do I need to have 5 fingers?
            - How many hands do I need to have 10 fingers?
            - How many hands do I need to have 25 fingers?
            - How many hands do I need to have 50 fingers?
            - How many hands do I need to have 100 fingers?
My students all know how to multiply and to divide. So I thought about showing on the board the count because some of the girls are still a bit weak on math. (E.g. 100 / 5 = 20). Tell me if you want it or not.

3. Now present flashcard money to students. Teach 01 cent, 05 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, 1 dollar. Let students touch and explore. ( I have real coins, if you want I can show it in the classroom so they can see what’s written in them, different sizes, materials, colors etc)

4. Using a dollar bill from Fluents, ask the students how many cents there are in one ‘dollar’? Then ask how many 25 cents coins are there in one dollar? And so on for the ten and five cents coins.

5. Give students the Worksheet 1.

6. And worksheet 2. Correct with students.

Flashcards and dollar bills if allowed.

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